Healthy Lunches
Riverbridge Primary School is
very proud of the quality of the school dinners that we provide. If you would like your child to have school dinners please contact the school office.
At Knowle Green base the meals are cooked on the premises daily and served in two sittings, the younger children eating first
At Park Avenue base the dinners are cooked on the premises daily and again they are served in two sittings.
We actively encourage all children to have school meals as we believe it to be an important part of the school day.
AIP catering is the provider for our school lunches and also provide the meals at Saxon, Walton Oak, Darley Dene and Echelford schools. The children at both bases are offered a choice of meals each day. Below is a copy of the menu and as you can see there will always be three hot main meals; meat, vegetarian or jacket potato as well as a deli bar offering a selection of sandwiches/baguettes.
Children will be asked to choose their meal at morning registration; therefore it is very important that children arrive on time to ensure that their meal choice is recorded. We can cater for vegetarian and any special dietary requirements. The Special Diets form is available below or from the school office.
From September 2014 the Government funded free school meals for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
The cost of school meals for all other children in Years 3 - 6 from September 2024 will be £2.80 daily. This is payable in advance either weekly, monthly or half-termly. We will advise you of the amount due at the beginning of each term. Payment should be made on-line via the internet at: . If you have any problems registering please contact the school office who will be happy to help.
Those parents in receipt of Universal Credit, Income Support, IBJSA or some forms of Child Tax Credit may be entitled to free school meals. Applications forms are available below or from the school office. Please note we are unable to provide free meals until the relevant documentation has been received.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to swap between having a packed lunch and a school dinner each day, but it is possible for children to swap from having a packed lunch to having a school dinner every day at any point in the school term.
We ask that children swapping from a school dinner every day to a packed lunch only do so at the end of a half-term and notify us by completing this form in advance.
Packed Lunches
If your child wishes to bring a packed lunch please note that the children will all sit together during lunch time, therefore it is important to understand the school recognises that some pupils may require special diets, or have nut and food allergies. Parents and Carers should ensure packed lunches are as healthy as possible and advise their children not to swap food items.
Be aware of nut allergies. Visit for information on managing allergies in schools.
- Parents and Carers are responsible for ensuring all food in a packed lunch is both fit for consumption and meets the standards laid out below.
- The school has a duty of care to ensure that all packed lunches provide a healthy balanced meal to allow children to fully participate in afternoon learning.
- Lunchtime staff are primarily employed to supervise school dinners, however they will regularly check the contents of packed lunches.
- All packaging and containers must be easily opened by the children and should be returned home daily.
- Packed lunches should be brought to school with the child in the morning, except in very exceptional circumstances it is not possible to take packed lunches through to children.
Food and drink in packed lunches
- The school will provide facilities for pupils bringing in packed lunches and ensure that free, fresh drinking water is readily available.
- The school will work with staff and pupils to provide attractive and appropriate dining room arrangements.
- The school will work with Parents & Carers to ensure that packed lunches meet the standards listed below.
- As fridge space is not available in school, pupils are advised to bring packed lunches in insulated bags with freezer blocks where possible to stop food deteriorating.
- Pack lunches can comprise the following:-
- At least one portion of fruit and vegetables every day
- Meat, fish or other source of non-dairy protein
- Oily fish, such as salmon, at least once every three weeks
- A starchy food such as bread, pasta, rice, couscous, noodles, potatoes or other cereals
- Dairy food such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais or custard.
- Only still water, fruit juice, semi-skimmed milk, yoghurt or milk drinks and smoothies. These should be in plastic bottles or cartons.
- Hot food is discouraged on the basis that maintaining safe temperatures of certain food items can be difficult. Therefore there could potentially be a health risk to the child. Any food such as soup should be provided in a safe suitable flask which is age appropriate for the child.
- Packed lunches should NOT include:
- nuts, including peanut butter
- chocolate spread
- chocolate bars
- Fizzy drinks
Packed lunches will be regularly reviewed by teaching staff/catering staff/midday meal supervisors. Parents & Carers who do not adhere to the packed lunch guidelines will receive a leaflet in the packed lunch informing them and if it is felt necessary parents will be called.