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Riverbridge Primary School

News Articles

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  • 06/06/24

    Rise Up

    The Year 4 children had a great time at Rise Up last week and built some impressive shelters!
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  • 24/05/24

    Netball Match

    The Girls’ Netball Team hosted their first home game of the term against Laleham. It was a fast-paced game which sadly Riverbridge lost but the team played well and have lots of positives to build on going forward.
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  • 17/05/24

    Listening Ears

    This week in Reception the children have been reading the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Reception have been learning about their different senses and RM made their own listening ears to help. The children then went on a sound walk to find out what different sounds they could hear...
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  • 10/05/24

    NSPCC Donations

    The NSPCC were very gratefull for the generous donation that was made from our Numbers Day last term. Thank you again to everyone who supported this worthy cause. 
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  • 03/05/24

    Fun at the farm

    Year 2 had an amazing time on their trip to Hobbledown Farm this week! The children had so much fun looking at all of the different animals, including lemurs, meerkats, alpacas, reindeer and even a giant tortoise! They also loved playing in all the different playgrounds and bouncing on the...
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  • 29/04/24

    Supertato Visit

    Author of Supertato, Suzanne Hendra visited Reception and Key Stage 1 children last week to give a special reading and run some fun workshops where the children made their own Super Veggies! 
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  • 19/04/24

    Enrichment Clubs

    Summer Enrichment Clubs have been allocated. Please login to your Scopay account to make payment and see the Newsletter for those Clubs still with spaces. 
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  • 27/03/24

    A Numbers Game

    This week, Year 4 have been looking at dividing numbers by ten, using a place value grid and counters, practising moving the digits to the right. The children did a great job in their maths lessons.
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  • 21/03/24

    Mummification in Year 3

    Year 3 have been immersing themselves in their Ancient Egypt topic.  This week they have learnt about the fascinating process of mummification and brought it to life in the classroom by mummifying a willing participant!
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  • 15/03/24

    Boys' B Team Football Win

    The Boys’ B team played a fantastic league match against Echelford AB’s on Tuesday. There were some fantastic goals from both teams with Riverbridge winning 4-3. Well done boys, a great effort!
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  • 08/03/24

    Happy International Women's Day

    Wishing a happy International Women's Day to our Riverbridge community and a big thank you to Igor R for kindly giving flowers out today. 
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  • 29/02/24

    Spelling It Out

    1L were very lucky to have a visitor on Wednesday. Bryn from Tagtiv8 came to show the children how to take phonics outside and how to make it active! 1L used their phonics skills to sound out words and find the correct letters to build them. They then challenged themselves to build adjecti...
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Riverbridge Primary School