A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Riverbridge Primary School

Photographic Images & Names of Children - Consent

Your child's school (as well as Lumen Learning Trust) sometimes takes photographs and videos of, as well as features the names of, pupils. We use these for a variety of reasons and their use is an invaluable tool in helping us to celebrate pupil educational journeys and communicating the messages of your child’s school and the Trust.  Names will feature as first name and initial of surname by default. Where a full name is to be used, specific one-off consent will be sought.

By choosing to tick either the Yes or No boxes below, you are confirming whether you give consent for an image to be captured and used in the following circumstances.

Please Note.
- Examples are listed to help you reach a decision.
- You are not able to withdraw consent for individual examples within each category.


1. Internal Displays

  • Any displays inside the school.
  • Learning resources (exercise books, coat hook etc.).
  • End of year class photos which can be purchased by other parents.
  • School plays and productions which are recorded and streamed to parents via an online platform e.g. Google Drive, Zoom, Google Classroom, Vimeo, YouTube (private link) or can be purchased by other parents in DVD format - please note, your child will not take part in the recorded/streamed production if consent is not given. 
  • School play or production programmes.

Select either Yes or No to confirm you give consent for this category:*

2. Online Use

  • Trust or school newsletter.
  • Trust or school website.
  • Trust or school approved apps e.g. Tapestry, SeeSaw, Scratch Junior.

Select either Yes or No to confirm you give consent for this category:*

3. External Displays

  • Trust or school prospectus (this includes printed and online versions).
  • Promotional posters.
  • Online recruitment platforms e.g. eteach

Select either Yes or No to confirm you give consent for this category:*

4. External Media

  • Local newspapers e.g. news articles, pull out supplements.
  • Local borough promotions and campaigns e.g. Spelthorne in Bloom.
  • Local community group social media accounts e.g. Rotary Club.

Select either Yes or No to confirm you give consent for this category:*

5. Social Media  

  • Facebook 
  • X (Twitter) 
  • Instagram 
  • Please note you are not able to withdraw consent for individual social media platforms.                             

Select either Yes or No to confirm you give consent for this category:*


• I have read and understood the consent asked of me above.

• I understand that I will be given the opportunity to review my consent choices at the end of Year 2. However, I may change my consent status at any time by notifying the school in writing to office.riverbridge@lumenlearningtrust.co.uk or Office Manager, Riverbridge Primary School, Park Avenue, Staines upon Thames, Middlesex TW18 2EF.

• Consents given apply for up to a maximum of 5 years after my child has left the school.

• The school will not use the full name of my child in any accompanying text or caption for an image used.

• I promise that if I, or members of my family, take photographs or video recordings at a school event, these will be kept for family use only.

• I, or members of my family, will not publish any material online that features an image of any child other than my own.

Riverbridge Primary School