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Riverbridge Primary School


JIGSAW: A mindful approach to PSHE

We believe that a comprehensive PSHE curriculum helps pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. From making responsible decisions to building resilience, our PSHE education helps pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up. PSHE at Riverbridge nurtures and supports children's personal growth into happy, healthy adults.

Whilst PSHE education remains a non-statutory subject, section 2.5 of the National Curriculum framework document states that:

‘All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice.’

Along with the National Curriculum framework, the DfE also published a guidance document on PSHE education, which states that the subject is:

' An important and necessary part of all pupils’ education.'   

It goes on to note that:

'Schools should seek to use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.’

At Riverbridge we teach the Core Learning Skills Curriculum and thus much of the expectations of PSHE are covered through the 6 strands and through other subject areas.

Riverbridge Primary School